
I’m Danielle.

Founder of cliveRd. I have been fascinated by the intersection of media* and technology since I can remember.

I was one of those ever so fashionable triple threat child actors. I got my first professional agent at 14 years old for acting and 15 years old for dance. I interned at my first production studio at 16 and though I have taken a detour through the world of finance I never stopped loving storytelling. If anything I think my storytelling has enhanced my work in finance and vice versa. Through cliveRd. I plan on using my experience in finance and product management to build products that tackle key pain points in media with a special emphasis on products that support more diverse stories and storytellers. This is because in my opinion, representation, or a lack thereof, is the most powerful tool media platforms hold.

I am actively using my experience to become a value added film producer and angel investor based in Brooklyn with a focus on projects and products helping us navigate our future. Our latest step in this realm was through a grant, in partnership with Black Film Space here. There is more to come.

* I define media = a platform used to communicate, so anything from film to podcasts to social media.